发布单位:院科管处 发布时间:2019/1/30已阅览:8115次 分享到:


时    间:2019年1月31日(星期四) 14:00

地    点:作物所学术报告厅(原品资楼二楼会议室)


1.任鄄胜:生物信息学在水稻遗传育种中的应用( Application of Bioimformatics in Rice Genetics and Breeding)

2.李旭毅:四川水稻栽培技术及其发展趋势(Rice Cultivation Techniques and Developing Tendency in Sichuan Province)

3.陈 岩:玉米ζ-胡萝卜素去饱和酶基因突变导致穗发芽(Mutations in the Maize Zeta-carotene Desaturase Gene Lead to Viviparous Kernel)

4.杨  麟:抗玉米灰斑病QTL定位(QTL Mapping for Resistance of Maize to Gray Leaf Spot) 

5.罗江陶:小麦材料C33成株期抗条锈病QTL定位(Identification of QTL for Adult-plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in Bread Wheat Line C33)

6.郑建敏:四川小麦品种系谱梳理与分析(Study on Pedigree of Sichuan Wheat Varieties)

7.王  琴:雄性不育基因Ms2的图位克隆(The Map-based Cloning of Wheat Male-sterile Gene Ms2

8.崔  成:芸薹属多倍体合成与遗传分析( Synthesis and Analysis of Brassica Allopolyploids)

9.乔  帅:通过敲除S-RNase创制自交亲和二倍体马铃薯( Generation of Self-compatible Diploid Potato by Knockout of S-RNase)

10.项  超:豌豆白粉病研究进展(Powdery Mildrew Research in Pea)